
Home Town: Boise, Idaho.
Family: Mother (Boise, ID), Father & Step-Mother (Orcas Island, WA), Brother (Ankara, Turkey).
BA - Univ of Colorado - Boulder American History & Communication Studies w/ Minor in Business Administration. General Honors Thesis: Evolution of the Kittredge Honors Program.
PhD - Univ of Colorado - Boulder Organizational Communication. Dissertation: More than guests, less than members: Exploring issues of Organizational Identification in the Temporary Help Industry.
Places Lived: Boise, ID; Boulder, CO; Highlands Ranch, CO; Westminster, CO; Las Vegas, NV; Austin, TX; Charlotte, NC.
Countries Visited: Mexico, Canada, Italy, France, Monaco, Denmark, Sweden, Turkey, Dominican Republic, Grand Cayman.
Personal Accomplishments (aka: Things I've checked off my "life list"): Lettered in a HS varsity sport (Tennis); Survived a brief stint as a door-to-door encyclopedia salesperson (worst marketing "internship" EVER!!); Completed my dissertation; Bought and Sold a home; Learned how to "break boards" in karate; Finished a marathon; Swam with dolphins, Cooked a Turkey (complete with gravy and stuffing).
Goals/Aspirations/Things I want to do before I die: Learn how to play the piano; Write a book; Become fluent in Spanish; Hike down & camp at the base of the Grand Canyon; Finish the afghan blanket I started knitting 10 years ago; Live in a foreign country; Learn how to saddle & ride a horse.